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Rauscher Farm Management

In September 2007, the citizens of Clinton passed a proposed debt exclusion that approved purchase of the 62 acres known as Rauscher Farm and its preservation as conservation land and open recreational space to be enjoyed by the people of Clinton and surrounding towns. Please see “About the Farm” for a brief history of the town’s acquisition of this open space.

As town-owned conservation land, Rauscher Farm is under the management of the Clinton Conservation Commission which delegates day-to-day oversight to its appointed Rauscher Farm Management Subcommittee (RFMSC). The RFMC meets monthly with the Conservation Commission

The Rauscher Farm Management Subcommittee has open public meetings on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.via Zoom, or as may be otherwise posted. Meeting agenda and login information is posted on the Town of Clinton Agenda Center at least 48 hours in advance

Monthly RFMSC meetings address matters such as those below as well as any other relevant issues. 

  • Receiving permissions requests for events or activities on Rauscher Farm
  • Planing and managing events and activities including nature walks, school tours, scout projects, and other recreational and educational activities
  • Coordinating, when needed, with other public and private organizations and agencies such as conservation organizations, town departments, and state agencies
  • Overseeing land management matters including:
    • Grassland management, including trail and brush mowing, field mowing, maintenance and protection of habitats
    • Woodland management including maintenance of woodland trails, removal of fallen trees and branches, etc.
    • Identifying and managing invasive species
    • Conservation initiatives such as encouragement of biodiversity to attract pollinators
    • Managing volunteer labor for cleanup and maintenance of the property
    • Other land management matters, including signage, trail maps, etc.
  • Receiving and responding to public comment or correspondence